Can War be Avoided?

March 26th, 2024

The Mimir Debate Room

Debate Language: Mandarin Chinese

This topic invites participants to delve into the complex tapestry of historical conflicts, political diplomacy, ethical considerations, and the very nature of human behavior in the context of war and peace. By examining whether wars are an inevitable part of the human condition or if they are preventable through concerted efforts such as international cooperation, diplomatic engagement, and global governance, debaters are challenged to explore the causes, consequences, and possible solutions to one of humanity's most enduring dilemmas.

Is Cyber Warfare a Significant Threat to Global Peace?

March 26th, 2024

The Mimir Debate Room

Debate Language: Mandarin Chinese

In today's digitally interconnected world, the concept of warfare has evolved beyond traditional battlegrounds. Cyber warfare, involving the use of technology to launch attacks on nations, infringe on privacy, and disrupt critical infrastructure, has emerged as a new frontier. This debate centers on the question: "Is Cyber Warfare a Significant Threat to Global Peace?" It challenges us to examine the impact of digital conflicts on international stability and peace.